Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (2025)

October 2024

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (1)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (3)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (4)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (5)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (6)

High-End Audio Sound? Audiophile Music? Both? What?
Some basic questions about our hobby.
ArticleBy Roger Skoff
I First wrote about how music and sound interrelate to enhance each otheryears ago within my2018 article Coming At It From Both Directions ). At that time, I looked at it – even after more than half acentury as a music lover and audiophile – more from point of view of anaudiophile drawn to great music and cultural expansion by a love of great soundthan as a music lover carried inexorably in the other direction by a search forgreater involvement in and enjoyment of one of humanity's greatest arts. Now, like Joni Mitchell, I'm seeing things from both sides. Here are mylatest thoughts on the subject. They say that the difference between audiophiles and musiclovers is that music lovers buy a system to listen to their music andaudiophiles (I and my friends call ourselves "Hi-Fi Crazies") buy music tolisten to their system.
---> High-End Audio Sound? Audiophile Music? Both? What?

The Art Of Loudspeaker Design AndEngineering
Loudspeakers are the most mature component of an audio system.
Editorial By Alan Sircom
Assembling a group of loudspeakers for review has never been too much of a problem.There's a lot of them and there are always more to be had. But more is not necessarily better. The loudspeakermaker's art is a diverse one, involving a skill set that stretches from cramming off-the-shelf drivers and a simple crossover in a wooden cabinet to extensive research by a group of PhDs into every aspect of transducertechnology. Trends in audio may come and go. Formats rise, fall... and sometimes rise again.We've had hollow-state, solid-state, amps on chips, low power, high-power, wide bandwidth and all kinds of front-ends and amplifiers. And, unless you listen on headphones... you are always going to needloudspeakers.
---> Editorial: The Art Of Loudspeaker Design AndEngineering.

Brand Value And Brand Values
Navigating complex structures of conglomerates, alliances, and joint ventures.
Editorial By J. Martins
After an inspiring Audio Engineering Society (AES) conferenceon Automotive Audio in Gothenburg, Sweden, I had to reflect on the things Ilearned about the automotive industry. One of the most interesting aspects wasmeeting the teams from the multiple tiers of the automotive supply chain, andmost importantly meeting professionals from the manufacturers, from the brands,and from the audio brands that are now embedded into OEM vehicles. A pleasant surprise was to meet the large audio team fromFerrari. The famous Italian luxury sports car manufacturer, founded in 1939 byEnzo Ferrari, is one of very few original automobile "name brands." Notsurprisingly, Ferrari is also one of the world's strongest brands and one ofthe most valued car manufacturers by capitalization–fourth after Tesla,Toyota, and BYD, and surpassing Mercedes-Benz (those things fluctuate and changequickly, of course). Ferrari is now entering a new age with advanced, fast, hybrid,and fully electric vehicles.
---> Brand Value And Brand Values.

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (10)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (11)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (12)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (13)

Jadis DA88S MkII Vacuum Tube Integrated Amplifier Review
The ultimate music machine.
Review By Dr. Jules Coleman
Too often, I have been guilty of 'buryingthe lead.' Not this time: the Jadis DA88S MkII integrated amplifier is themost musically convincing and enjoyable vacuum tube stereo integrated amplifierI have ever experienced – in my home or elsewhere. From the moment it wasinstalled in my system until the moment shippers were summoned to remove it,this handsome piece of kit brought joy and fulfillment to my listeningexperience that had eluded me since my decade-long love affair with variousShindo-centered reference systems fell victim to life's often unforeseeableand unwelcome interventions. At different times my Shindo systems were anchored by the (nolonger in production) Sinhonia push / pull monoblocks featuring the F2 outputtube as well as the ne plus ultra 300B Ltd monoblocks. The former offereda dynamic realism that the 300B Ltd could not match, while the latter offered atexture, color, and density that was in equal measure beguiling and bewitching.
---> Jadis DA88S MkII Vacuum Tube Integrated Amplifier Review.

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (15)

World Premiere Review!
MACO MACARIA Open Baffle Loudspeaker Review
A soundsational experience that puts you close to the soundstage.
Review By Rick Becker
Comingaround a corner at CapitalAudiofest in 2023 I was stopped in my tracks by an incredible-lookingopen baffle speaker in grey granite. The large 15" full-range driver on toplooked vaguely familiar but the speaker itself was a completely fresh design.Before I could figure out who the manufacturer was, a lovely familiar womanappeared at my side. It was Deborah Ann whom I had met at the Toronto Audiofestin 2022. There, she had been showing magnificent sounding open baffle speakersfrom Lii Song (China) driven by a Galion tube amplifier, made in China butvoiced by Thomas Tan in Canada. I was eager to review the Lii speaker but shewas hesitant about the possibility both in Toronto and again when we met at AXPONA the next year, as she is technically only the Canadian distributor forLii Song.
---> MACO MACARIA Open Baffle Loudspeaker Review.

World Premiere Review!
KBL Sound EXtrema Interconnects, Himalaya Pro 2 Power Cables, And EXtrema Digital Cable Review
An awe-inspiring musical experience with extended frequencies and razor-sharp transients.
Review By Tom Lyle
Asa high-end audio equipment reviewer, I've heard many brands and types ofhigh-end audio cables. However, the sound quality of KBL Sound'sreference-quality cables, which included their EXtrema interconnects, HimalayaPro 2 power cables, and an EXtrema digital cable, differed significantly fromall the other audio cables I've heard or reviewed in the past. Their superiorsound quality was obviously due to their elaborate construction techniques andmaterials used. For this review, I was sent two of KBL Sound's EXtrema interconnects, one terminated with RCAs and one terminated with XLRs. I was also sent three Himalaya Pro 2 power cables and one EXtrema digital cable. It's a shame I wasn't sent more KBL Sound cables to review.
---> KBL Sound EXtrema Interconnects, Himalaya Pro 2 Power Cables, And EXtrema Digital Cable Review.

iSonic Cleaner 6.2-PRO UltrasonicVinyl LP Cleaner Review
Ultrasonic deep cleaning and spin drying 10 LPrecords in 30 minutes.
Review By Bob Grossman
TheiSonic Pro 6.2-PRO is the latest variation and upgraded record cleaner designfrom a company that specializes in commercial ultrasonic cleaning machines. Theyhave styles and sizes for various products with personal and industrialapplications. The iSonic company has dozens of cleaner models for medicalapplications, jewelry, and personal items used in the home. Jerry Fan of iSonicsaid, "Over the past six years, we have made a lot of progress with cleanersfor audio systems." Jerry modestly told me he "doesn’t know too much aboutanything else, but we do know about ultrasonic cleaners!" They started withprocessing 5 to 10 records for cleaning only, then added the PRO accessory kitfor spin drying with an in-water filter two years ago. Those developments werewith the model P4875II+MVR10-PRO which was an upgrade to the early modelP4875II+MVR5 or MVR10....
---> iSonic Cleaner 6.2-PRO Ultrasonic Vinyl LP Cleaner Review.

World Premiere Review!
PS Audio Aspen FR5 Loudspeaker Review
High-tech innovation and true-to-life sound.
Review By Ron Nagle
PS Audio was founded in 1973 and shipped its first products in 1974. The companybegan life with audio designers Paul McGowan and Stan Warren, with Paul now atthe helm. While most may already know, for those unfamiliar, PS Audio is acompany specializing in high-end audiophile equipment and the sound recordingindustry. It designs and ships audio amplifiers, preamplifiers, power-relatedproducts, digital-to-analog converters (DAC), streaming audio devices, plusmusic management software and cables. Each weighing 26.62 lbs, the PS Audio Aspen FR5 is a newcompact two-way stand-mounted loudspeaker. At $3500, it represents the leastexpensive of the four speakers in their Aspen series.
---> PS Audio Aspen FR5 Loudspeaker Review.

World Premiere Review!
Synergistic Research Pink Fuses Review
Gentlemen, start your engines!
Review By Rick Becker
First,let's dispose of all the Barbie jokes about Synergistic Research's new Pinkfuses. Aftermarket fuses have been a legitimate category for years now and thePink fuse is a lot closer to Oppenheimer than Barbie. Coming only a year afterthe release of the Master fuse, this new fuse caught me by surprise. Usually, technology trickles down, and this time Ted Denney,fuse maestro extraordinaire, borrowed some tricks learned in the development ofthe Master fuse and his Voodoo Server – namely, a new high-voltageconditioning process that claims to improve texture and resolution. Anotherimprovement comes from a new conductivity treatment developed for what is likelyhis new, yet-to-be-released, Reference power conditioner that is said to improvelow-level detail retrieval, yield improved tonal color, and deliver greaterdynamic performance. I suspect this latter treatment was also used on the newPowerCell 8 SX which I recently reviewed and awarded a Blue Note Award. ThePowerCell 8 SX certainly exhibited those very same improved qualities.
---> Synergistic Research Pink Fuses Review.

World Premiere Review!
Naim Audio NAP 350 Reference Mono Amplifier
And NVC TT Phono Stage With NPX TT PS Review
The Naim analog system sounded like listening to the master tape.
Review By Tom Lyle
Inthe early 1990s, I often visited one of the local high-end audio salons near myhome. During one of these visits, while my friend and I were bothering the staffwith silly questions, I asked a salesperson which CD player or turntable wasplaying the loud, awesome-sounding music in the background. Their answer? A NaimAudio FM tuner. To say that I was impressed (and embarrassed) is anunderstatement. This was my first experience, my first experience with Naim. After this experience, my audiophile friend and I startedbelieving that Naim had a mystic aura surrounding them. In those pre-internetdays, rumor had it that this audio company was run by nonconformists, at leastcompared to the other "major" audio companies we were familiar with. Eventually, I learned more about the UK-based Naim. Finally,about two months ago, I received my first Naim components for review, whichincluded a pair of Naim Audio NAP 350 Reference monoblock power amplifiers, aNaim NVC TT phono stage, and its accompanying NPX TT power supply.
---> Naim Audio NAP 350 Reference Mono Amplifier And NVC TT Phono Stage With NPX TT PS Review.

World Premiere Review!
TriangleArt I-20 Single-Ended Integrated Amplifier Review
Taking the single-ended triode to a new realm.
Review By Paul Schumann
The single-ended triode is the most venerable of amplifierdesigns. The Western Electric amplifier designs of the 1930s have stood the testof time. Kondo Audio Note, Audio Note (UK), WAVAC Audio, and Wavelength Audio,among others, pushed the envelope of SET design during the triode revival 30years ago. Today, designers are continuing to revisit this classicconfiguration. TriangleArt has thrown its hat into the ring with its new I-20Single-Ended Integrated Amplifier. TriangleArt is already familiar to Enjoy the Music.comreaders because of its phenomenal equipment, which has garnered several BlueNote awards. So I was stunned when the I-20 Single-Ended Integrated Amplifierfell into my lap. The I-20 is TriangleArt's first venture into single-endedamplification. Like many of its components, it takes a different tack on thetried-and-true SE design.
---> TriangleArt I-20 Single-Ended Integrated Amplifier Review.

Synergistic Research PowerCell 8 SX Review
Pushing your sound system to the next level with innovative technology.
Review By Rick Becker
After catching more than 48 gigs during the nine-day 21stRochester International Jazz Festival, I rode home after the final show with thesound of live music etched in my mind. The Brubeck Bros. had been scheduled forKilbourn Hall, an acoustically rich 444-seat performance hall at the EastmanSchool of Music, but heavy rains overnight and during the day resulted inbuckets spread throughout the hall to catch nature's dribbles. It wasrescheduled for Kodak Hall, the main venue at the Eastman Theater with enoughseats for everyone who wished to be there. I sat reasonably close, maybe 8 rowsback in the center to catch a mix of the Steinway piano, the drums, the electricbass, and the electric guitar. Splendid. And easy to hear why this venue is usedfor the premium Headliner performances at JazzFest and the RochesterPhilharmonic Orchestra the rest of the year. I typically buy a JazzPass,allowing me to attend as many performances as I wish among the multiple smallervenues. Fast footwork and careful pre-planning helped me maximize this annualmusic festival.
---> Synergistic Research PowerCell 8 SX Review.

Best Of 2024 Blue Note Equipment Awards
Celebrating the best highfidelity / high-end audiophile gear of 2024!
High-End AudioAwards By Enjoy the Music.com
Enjoy the Music.com'sBest Of 2024 Blue Note Awards celebrates the many great achievementsby audiophile manufacturers within the high-end audio and Hi-Res Audio industry. Our2024Blue Note Awards is a culmination of more than two decades of reviewing high-endaudio equipment and carefullychoosing what products have earned special recognition for our annual awards. Our Best Of2024 Blue Note Award celebrates the finest products we have reviewed during theprevious 12 months. Recipients havebeen carefully chosen after much debate and consideration by our staff ofreviewers. With each passingyear our industry has experienced great advancements in technology including analogcircuitry, vinyl LP and analog playback, digital-to-analogconverters (DACs), loudspeaker design, personal mediaplayers, and more.
---> Best Of 2024 Blue Note Equipment Awards.

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (25)

CapacitorsAnd InductorsArticle ByGrey RollinsYouknow that thing with metal balls hanging from strings? The one where you pullback a ball on one end, let go, and it hits the others, knocking the one on theopposite end loose? (It is called a Newton's Cradle if you want to Google up apicture.) Okay, now imagine slipping a piece of paper between the middle balls.That's actually a pretty good visualization of a capacitor at work. The paperrepresents the insulator between the plates and the balls are electrons. When anelectron enters one side of the capacitor, one leaves the other side. If twoenter on one side, two will leave on the other. After a period of time, theballs that left return, and an equal number of balls from first side leave. In the real world, the balls in a Newton's Cradle are obeyingNewton's Laws of Motion. An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted uponby an outside force and all that. In a real world capacitor the motivating forceis electrostatic repulsion.
---> Capacitors andinductors.

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (27)

The Intro Editorial By Art Dudley Passions run high among music lovers. We vilify"bad" musicians(the ones we dislike), and we elevate marginally functional savants with a couple of two-minute singles and some albumfiller under their belts. When it comes to more unique and productive figures like Phil Spector, Jimi Hendrix, Wilhelm Furtwängler, John Cage, or [insert your own heroes andvillains here], music fans either revere them as gods or dismiss them as meaningless.Sometimes there are shades in between, but perspective is at a premium. This tendency to paint things black or white spills over to the equipment we useto play back our favorite recordings. i've seen the cognoscenti dismiss people on thebasis of no more information than their choice of power amp, though I suspect fewof us are quite so one-dimensional in truth. Anyone with an internet connection canpublish broadsides proclaiming their love for equipment and music and aim verbalbarrages at their musical "enemies."
---> The intro by Art Dudley.

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (29)

Voices From The Fringe?Editorial By Joe RobertsFrom Sound PracticesIssue 1, Summer 1992Audio today consists of a much wider range of practice thanyou'll find reported in the glossy mags. Some of the most interesting activity in thehobby takes place outside the borders that commercial producers of contemporary equipment accept as their playing field. There are vintagegear enthusiasts, modifiers of old and new gear, and people who build things that the manufacturers are wise to avoid - products with limited popularappeal or which are not economically viable to manufacture. Except for Audio Amateur/GlassAudio, there's no dedicated forum for do-it-yourself audio, one of the most rewarding facets of our hobby. Only afew decades ago DIY was an important part of the hobby for people as committed to it as we are. Whathappened?
---> Voices from thefringe?

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (31)

Home Theater, 50% StyleArticle By Dan Schmalle From VALVE Issue 6, July 1994Well, you guys who missed the last meeting are really gonna kick yourselves. You missed Rick andTina cutting a rug at our vintage disco. The meeting was obviously quite informal.I had managed to scrounge the proper parts to repair one damaged crossover in time for the meeting sowe got to hear the A7's in stereo. Attendance was light so we pushed back the chairs and cranked 'emup and danced. Now I don't like horn speakers as a rule, but these A7's aren't bad.With the Stereo 70 the tweets seemed a bit harsh and throaty. I later adjusted the crossover for 6dBattenuation and they really smoothed out. The real surprise was how nicethe triode amp I've been putting together sounded with them. I am now willing to concede that triodesand horns can sound very good. Thanks to Mike for inspiring me to try 'em.
---> Home theater, 50%style.

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (33)

Métronome Technologie Le Player 4+ DAC / CDPlayer ReviewThe persistence of memory.
Review By Maurice Jeffries
Inan act of musical and marketplace bravery, the esteemed French electronics firmMétronome Technologie has taken the bold step of offering music lovers stillwed to physical media a device many long ago consigned to the dustbin of audiohistory: a dedicated CD player. When Toronto, Canada-based audio distributor /dealer Wynn Wong of Wynn Audio and our Creative Director Steven R. Rochlincontacted to gauge my interest in reviewing Metronome Technology Le Player 4+ CDplayer / DAC, I thought that they both must be crazy. What sane manufacturerwould dare to offer a dedicated (and pricey) CD player in a market dominated bydigital servers, streamers, music streaming services, and outboard DACs to thatmost fickle of consumers, the modern audiophile?
--->Métronome Technologie Le Player 4+ DAC / CD Player Review.

Soundsmith ZephyrMK III ES Phono Cartridge ReviewUnveiling the masterworks!
Review By Paul Schumann
Back when Iwas starting to get serious about audio equipment, a long-time audiophile friendof mine offered me his collection of back issues of The Absolute Sound. Iwas a fan of TAS and eagerly accepted. For the next few months, nightafter night, I read, from cover to cover, all of those issues in chronologicalorder. It was a fascinating dig into the early history of high-end audio and theculture that developed around it. One of the important discoveries made by HarryPearson and his minions, was the sonic superiority of the old RCA "Shaded Dog"and Mercury records. The acquisition of pristine copies of these discs became anobsession for many audiophiles because, with the exception of a few reissues byMoFi, the audiophile vinyl business wasn't in full swing yet.
--->Soundsmith Zephyr MK III ES Phono Cartridge Review.

Vermouth Audio Studio Monitor LoudspeakerReview
A good-looking and great-sounding loudspeaker.
Review ByTom Lyle
VermouthAudio is located in the Indonesian province of Bali, which is located east ofJava. Most know Bali as a vacation destination. In fact, in 2017, Trip Advisornamed Bali the world's top destination in its "Traveler's Choiceaward." Bali again won this honor in January 2021. About 80% of Bali'seconomy is tourism related. Vermouth Audio is part of the 20% unrelated totourism. They are a company that designs and manufactures high-end audioconnectors, cables, electronics, and, of the subject of this review,loudspeakers. When I was given the opportunity to review Vermouth Audio'sStudio Monitors, which are distributed in the US by Believe Audio, located inHutto, Texas, I enthusiastically accepted their offer.
--->Vermouth Audio Studio Monitor Loudspeaker Review.

Volti Audio Razz LE Loudspeaker ReviewSometimes good things come in large packages.
Review By Ron Nagle
A buzzing bell sound sends me to my front door. Outside two large boxes hide asweaty, smallish UPS delivery man. I can see a faint smile cross his face as hetells me, "My father wanted me to be a doctor." Now I have two mini monoliths inside my front door. The boxes each weigh about97 pounds and stand five feet tall. I can see my significant other giving me thelook that means, I've been bad. I'm thinking, don't get your knickers in atwist, I can handle this. I downloaded the unpacking instructions. And using theinstructions as a guide I peeled away the three cardboard boxes that held thespeakers. This unpacking thing is a job for two people and four hands. Volti Audio is a brilliant creation by loudspeaker engineerGreg Roberts. He seems to be the CEO, CFO, Chief Designer, the guy who sweepsthe floor and sends out for pizza.
---> Volti Audio Razz LE LoudspeakerReview.

Aavik Acoustics System ReviewHigh-end audio equipment is made by those who love music.
Review By Tom Lyle
Aavik S-280 Streamer, U-280 Unity Integrated Amp with built-in DAC, Ansuz Acoustics Mainz8 A2 AC Power Distribution Bar, Mainz8 A2 AC Ansuz Power Cords, Speakz Speaker Cables, Digitalz Ethernet Cable, PowerSwitch A2 Ethernet Switch,Darkz C2t, Resonance Control Devices, and Titanium Balls for Ansuz Acoustics Darkz C2t.
Thesubjects of this review feature components and accessories from two of the threebrands designed and manufactured by The Audio Group Denmark, which acts as anumbrella company for Aavik Acoustics, Ansuz Acoustics, and Børresen Acoustics.The company was started by two Danes, Lars Kristensen, and Michael Børresen,who first met more than 20 years ago. Aavik Acoustics designs and manufactures many types ofhigh-end audio components, such as amplifiers, DACs, phono stages, andstreamers. Ansuz Acoustics products consist of what most audiophiles would callhigh-end audio accessories, cables, power distribution, streaming accessories,and resonance control devices.
---> Aavik Acoustics SystemReview.

Audience Hidden Treasure In-Wall AC PowerCableAnd High Definition Wall Receptacle ReviewLike a buried treasure that pays huge dividends in musical enjoyment!
Review By Rick Becker
If you'rereading this review, you're either considering the installation of a dedicatedline in what is likely your dedicated listening room or perhaps your hometheater... or maybe the video rig in your family room if you're seriously intowatching TV. Or possibly, you've already installed a line and are wondering ifthis new Audience cable might be a worthwhile upgrade. In any case, I suspectyou're already convinced that "everything matters" in high-end audio, especiallycables. Keep reading. Audience is one of the most respected cable manufacturers andmy ears perked up when I saw the ad for their new In-Wall AC cable. It's been 20years since I reviewed Joe Skubinski's JPS Labs Power AC In-Wall cable.He's sold miles of it and "Big Red" has remained my reference dedicated lineever since. What's taken so long for the competition to arise?
--->Audience Hidden Treasure In-Wall AC PowerCable And High Definition Wall ReceptacleReview.

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Have Your Voice Heard! Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (40) Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (41) Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (42)
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Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (49)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (50)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (51)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (52)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (53)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (54)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (55)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (56)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (57)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (58)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (59)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (60)

Enjoy the Music.com October 2024 Audiophile High-End Audio Review Magazine, High-Performance Hi-Fi, Luxury Premium High Fidelity, Sound Gear, Stereo System, And Immersivephile (2025)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

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Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.